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发布时间 : 2018-12-01 亚马逊实操列表
亚马逊Review近期又有严整趋势,不少卖家被Review搞得焦头烂额,操作评论被关账号的,甚至正常好评都有被删的,旺季马上要到了,怎么能够快速安全的获取Review成为卖家心中较为关心的事情。 今天给大家分享一下3种最有效的索评模版: 第一封邮件是感谢消费者购买自己的产品,并给他们有关购买产品的有用的想法和提示。一般时间在购买后或购买后1天内,千万注意,第一个邮件别要求他们留评价。  Subject line: Thanks for your order of the {{
Product Name }} Hello {{ Buyer First Name }}, Thanks again for ordering our {{
Product Name }}! The available tracking information shows that your item is out
for delivery today and you should be receiving it shortly. When you receive
your item, please make sure to verify that it was not damaged in transit. If
there is any reason that you wouldn’t rate this as a 5-star experience, please
let us know. If everything looks fine, we would appreciate if you could take a
few seconds to click the link below and rate this transaction. {{ Seller
Feedback Link }} We have spent a long time creating {{ Product Name }} and
would love to know what you think of it. Some things that may help you enjoy
the product better: ADD YOUR IDEAS AND TIPS, MAYBE A VIDEO In the meantime, you
can view your order’s progress here: {{ Order Link }} We will follow up with
you shortly to make sure that you are happy with your purchase, but in the
meantime don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need anything! Sincerely,
Your name 第二封邮件的目的是检查他们是否获得了正确的产品,帮助他们解决可能存在的任何问题,并要求进行审核。  时间大概在交货后 2-10 天。 发送这封电子邮件中,您应该关注确保客户在产品状态良好的同时看到他们没有任何问题。这可以帮助您减少您为产品获得的负面评价数量。
您也可以按照以前的电子邮件做同样的事情,并向他们发送一些提示,以帮助他们更好地享受产品。  Subject line: Following Up on Your Recent
Amazon Purchase Hi {{ Buyer First Name }}, Thank you again for your order of {{
Product Name }}. According to our records it was delivered about X days ago.
Please let us know right away if there is anything wrong with it so that we can
correct it. And if you have any questions or concerns, we are here to help! I
also have one small favor to ask you, if everything has gone smoothly, I’d
really appreciate it if you could take just a few seconds to leave feedback on
your buying experience with us. It really affects our ability to sell and be
successful and would be greatly appreciated. You can provide seller feedback
here: {{ Product Review Link Button }} Sincerely, Your name 第三个邮件目标:可以要求留下评论或者从facebook上。 时间大概是交付后 10-15 天。这个是最后个邮件,您的重点是在确保他们喜欢产品的同时获得产品评论。
不要再发送电子邮件,否则亚马逊会将您的帐户标记为垃圾邮件。  Subject line: Subject line: I hope you’re
enjoying your {{ Product Name }} Hi {{ Buyer First Name }}, Thank you again for
your order of {{ Product Name }}. According to our records it was delivered
about X days ago. Please let us know right away if there is anything wrong with
it so that we can correct it. And if you have any questions or concerns, we are
here to help! I also have one small favor to ask you, if everything has gone
smoothly, I’d really appreciate it if you could take just a few seconds to
leave feedback on your buying experience with us. It really affects our ability
to sell and be successful and would be greatly appreciated. You can provide
seller feedback here: {{ Product Review Link Button }} Sincerely, Your name 这是一个长期且稳定的方法,



